
In the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotized.

Gustave Moreau - Poet and the Siren.

Therion - Lemuria

top: hand-woven algae thread, the most precious one.
skirt: made of the sea foam
jewellery: present from the Nereides.


Chagall's Bella and the Colour Manifesto.

Sometimes I am Chagall's Bella. I am the black&white character on the painting full of colors. I only observe the vividness of the surrounding world. Like the albino peacock, creature artificially brought to life, deprived of the natural beauty, of the only characteristic feature his species possesses. But the albino is unique, he sucked all paint in, and he's even richer now.

If there was no black&white world no one would appreciate the colour.


Czasem jestem Chagallowską Bellą. Jestem postacią namalowaną czernią i bielą na barwnym płótnie. Obserwuję wyrazistość otaczającego świata. Zupełnie jak paw albinos, pozbawiony jedynej rzeczy charakterystycznej dla jego gatunku - koloru.
Ale albinos jest wyjątkowy, wchłonął wszystkie farby świata do wewnątrz, stał się bogatszy.

Gdyby nie czerń i biel, kto doceniłby kolor?

Marc Chagall - The Birthday. 1915.

All the Pretty Little Horses (a traditional lullaby)

top: gift
crochet collar: sh
earrings: handmade
dress worn as skirt: gift


The Garden Nymph.

"For somewhere in that sacred island dwelt
A nymph, to whom all hoofed Satyrs knelt;
At whose white feet the languid Tritons poured
Pearls, while on land they wither'd and adored."

John Keats, Lamia, fragment.

Gustav Klimt - Girl in a White Dress Standing in the Forest.

photos: my mum.

skirt: vero moda
top, bag: sh


Bohemian Emeralds.

"But, propt on beds of amaranth and moly,
How sweet (while warm airs lull us, blowing lowly)
With half-dropt eyelid still,
Beneath a heaven dark and holy,
To watch the long bright river drawing slowly
His waters from the purple hill —
To hear the dewy echoes calling
From cave to cave thro' the thick-twined vine —
To watch the emerald-colour'd water falling"

Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Lotos-Eaters, fragment.

Morgan Weistling - Emerald Dreams

Linda Perry - The Garden


Can I just have one more moondance with you?

I love the perfect state of idliness during the warm, spring evenings. The fairies dance on the banister of my balcony, favourite pomegranate tea seems not to get cool, and even the noise that emanates from the street does not interrupt me; this is exactly what I call the perfect prelude to the night. If there is some magical spell during the twenty four hours which can neither be called day nor night, I know this is now.


Uwielbiam leniwe popołudnia, i ten szczególny moment kiedy przechodzą w magiczne wieczory. Herbata wydaje się wtedy mieć idealną wręcz temperaturę, i nawet hałas dochodzący z ulicy w niczym nie przeszkadza.

Van Morrison - Moondance

Frances and Elsie Wright 'Cottingley Fairies', 1917-20.

silk dress: SH.


Cause I'll tell you everything about living free.

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.

Shel Silverstein.

William J. Glackens - Girl with Apple.

Wolfmother - Vagabond (acoustic)

chiffon skirt: sewn by me
knitted top: SH
hat: SH


The day Tinkerbell gave me some fairy dust.

Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own.

Leniwy, deszczowy dzień. Mimo ze jestem zatopiona w książkach nie mogę pozbyć się głupiutkich pomysłów które cały czas przychodzą mi do głowy, jak na przykład ten:
dawno dawno temu, za górami za lasami, kupiłam koszmarne buty. Dziś, z paskudnych i niekochanych, po odpruciu tych okropnych klamerek (Bogu dzięki za rasę męską) zmieniły się w najprawdziwsze, magiczne buty Dzwoneczka!

Słonecznej Majówki!


Eng. I really like rainy, idle days like today's. Despite I'm working on my MA I cannot get rid of the silly ideas that come to my mind all the time. For example this one: a long time ago, in a faraway land I bought really ugly shoes (they were kinda pretty then.) Today I figured out they are perfect for the transformation into the pretty shoes of Tinkerbell! Personally I feel like a little fairy wearing them.

Have a sunny week!

Tinkerbell necklace: gift
shoes: Bata plus fairy dust as an inspiration
clutch: SH