
Wayward winds, the voice that sings of a forgotten land

First Aid Kit - Wolf

12 komentarzy:

  1. szczególnie 2 i 3. magia:)

  2. Piękny przepych! A naszyjnik skradł moje serce, cudny:)

  3. Pięknie wyglądasz!!!
    Pozdrawiam :)

  4. Hello, and thank you for your comment on my blog! I also wonder WHY people can't create such amazing things like for example that little bonbonnière by Fabergé nowadays?! It's sad, but I guess that's one of the reasons most of my clothes are from the 40s and 50s - they look so much better than what's been made today! ;) I love these photos of you though. Beautiful! I used to read your blog a year ago, or something like that. But now I don't have time to follow so many blogs anymore... But now I feel like I have to check yours out now and then when I have time. You always post such amazing, dreamy, inspiring photos! :) xox
