
Dance of Druids

In this time of transition, of dying, passing away, she became one with her spirit animal, the doe, and bathed herself in the last golden sunrays in the middle of the dew-smelling forest, among fern and ivy and immersed herself into this precious moment.

The doe means gentleness, being in touch with life's mysteries, innocence and inner child. She needed it at the moment, the ability to regenerate. She has never felt she belnged to autumn. She has always been the creature of summer, but this year everyting was different. She was melancholic and the smell of decay suited her, she almost felt at home sensing that the cycle of nature was coming to an end, that the world was going to sleep, just like her soul.

She was passing away.

She felt the presence of the doe, she knew it was her last sunset; the day after she was gone. The fern and ivy were still there, swaying softly in the wind. Nothing has changed, but the world knew that she was going to come back when nature decided to wake up once again, to live all the joy of the world, to experience its beauty only to reach the disappintment and decay in the end.

That was the circle of life, the balance of autumn gold and winter's chill; of spring's bloom and summer fever.


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